JFQ 73 CoverTable of Contents

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From the Chairman

Widening the Aperture in Education
By Bryan B. Battaglia


Executive Summary

Assured Access:  Building a Joint and Multinational Airborne Forcible Entry Capability
By John W. Nicholson, Jr., Jason W. Condrey, and Claude A. Lambert

Revisiting NATO's Kosovo Air War:  Strategic Lessons for an Era of Austerity
By Gregory L. Schulte

The Responsibility to Protect:  The Libya Test Case
By Philip G. Morrison

The 2011 Libya Operation:  War Powers Redefined?
By James P. Terry

Essay Competitions

Core Questions for Cyber Attack Guidance
By Jonathan C. Rice

The Cost of Culture:  Controlling DOD's Runaway O&M Spending
By Joel J. Luker

The Elusive Defeat of al Qaeda
By Gina M. Bennett


Reconnaissance and Surveillance:  Looking Deep
By Robert W. Cone

ISR Support to Operational Access:  Winning Initiative in Antiaccess and Area-denial Environments
By Andrew Robert Marvin

The Whole House of Strategy
By Colin S. Gray

Globally Integrated Operations:  A Reflection of Environmental Complexity
By Daniel H. McCauley


Building Ministerial Capacity in Host Nations
By Keith M. Boyer and Robert R. Allardice

Security Cooperation Doctrine and Authorities:  Closing the Gaps
By Robert L. Caslen, Jr., F. Dean Raab, and Geoffrey Adams

Green-on-Blue Attacks:  Why "insider" Violence Has Risen in Afghanistan
By Eric Jardine

NATO Missile Defense and the View from the Front Line
By Karan Kaya

Missile Defense:  Follow-on to European Phased Adaptive Approach
By Marvin Baker Schaffer


Inverting Clausewitz:  Lessons in Strategic Leadership from teh 1918 Ludendorff Offensives
By Brad Clark

Book Reviews

The Valley's Edge
Reviewed by John O'Ryan Bullock

The War on Terror
Reviewed by Alice A. Booher

Healing the Wounded Giant
Reviewed by John R. Edwards

Joint Doctrine

Joint Doctrine Update

National Defense University