News | Jan. 1, 2006

Report to the Congress: Information Technology Program

By Center for Technology and National Security Policy

By the Center for Technology and National Security Policy

In the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002, the Report of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, stated that the “Department of Defense can no longer depend on a dedicated defense industrial base, but will need to find ways to link advanced commercial technologies to improved military capabilities.” Congress asked CTNSP to implement a program “to find practical ways in which the defense information technology (IT) community can gain a mutual understanding of defense needs and industry capabilities and identify opportunities to integrate technology innovation in the U.S. military strategy.”

This report summarized the major findings and recommendations that CTNSP has developed through its IT program. These results were developed over three years through a structured set of nearly 40 coordinated activities. To the extent feasible, the program leveraged selected activities at CTNSP and related efforts at other centers at NDU. CTNSP also has taken steps to involve the most creative members of government, industry, academia, and think tanks in these activities.