News | Sept. 30, 2014

2014 Winners

By NDU Press Joint Force Quarterly 75

The NDU Foundation is proud to support the annual Secretary of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Joint Force Quarterly essay competitions. NDU Press hosted the final round of judging on May 15–16, 2014, during which 23 faculty judges from 15 participating professional military education institutions selected the best entries in each category. The First Place winners in each of the three categories are published in the following pages.

Secretary of Defense National Security Essay Competition

In 2014, the 8th annual competition was intended to stimulate new approaches to coordinated civilian and military action from a broad spectrum of civilian and military students. Essays were to address U.S. Government structure, policies, capabilities, resources, and/or practices and to provide creative, feasible ideas on how best to orchestrate the core competencies of our national security institution. The NDU Foundation awarded the first place winner a generous gift certificate from

First Place
Commander David S. Forman, USN

National War College
“Deterrence with China: Avoiding Nuclear Miscalculation”

Second Place
Mark Libby, U.S. Foreign Service

National War College
“Hedging, Cooperation, and Prestige: British and French Nuclear Deterrence (How We Can Stop Worrying & Learn to Live with These Bombs)”

Third Place
Marie L. Sanders, Office of the Director of National Intelligence

National War College
“Avoiding Thucydides’ Trap: China’s Interests in Latin America and Opportunities for the United States”

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Strategic Essay Competition

This annual competition, in its 33rd year in 2014, challenges students at the Nation’s joint professional military education institutions to write research papers or articles about significant aspects of national security strategy to stimulate strategic thinking, promote well-written research, and contribute to a broader security debate among professionals. The first place winners in each category received a generous gift courtesy of the NDU Foundation.

Strategic Research Paper

First Place
Lieutenant Colonel Clorinda Trujillo, USAF

Air War College
“The Limits of Cyberspace Deterrence”

Second Place
Lieutenant Colonel Nicole S. Jones, USA

U.S. Army War College
“Adapting International Law for Cyberspace”

Third Place
Major Matthew L. Tuzel, USAF

School of Advanced Warfighting
“Tactics, Technology, and the End of America’s Precision Advantage”

Strategy Article

First Place
Lieutenant Colonel Bradford John Davis, USA

U.S. Army War College
“Opportunities in Understanding China’s Approach to the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands”

Second Place
Lieutenant Douglas W. Gates, USN

Naval War College (Junior)
“U.S.-Japan-Korea Trilateral Security Cooperation: The Negative Secondary Effects of the Pacific Pivot”

Third Place
Colonel Timothy D. Brown, USA

U.S. Army War College
“RAF Enhanced: A New Concept for Whole-of-Government Solutions”

Joint Force Quarterly Kiley Awards

Each year, judges select the most influential articles from the previous year’s four issues of JFQ. Three outstanding articles were singled out for the Kiley Awards, named in honor of Dr. Frederick Kiley, former director, NDU Press.

Best Forum Article
Lindsay L. Rodman, “Fostering Constructive Dialogue on Military Sexual Assault”

Best Features Article
Marc Koehler, “The Effects of 9/11 on China’s Strategic Environment: Illusive Gains and Tangible Setbacks”

Best Recall Article
Richard L. DiNardo, “The German Military Mission to Romania, 1940–1941”

Distinguished Judges

Twenty-three senior faculty members from the 15 participating PME institutions took time out of their busy schedules to serve as judges. Their personal dedication and professional excellence ensured a strong and credible competition.

Chairman talks to Servicemembers at Bagram Airfield about the future of U.S. military operations in Afghanistan and force reductions (U.S. Air Force/Gary J. Rihn)

Left to right: Dr. James A. Mowbray, Air War College; Dr. Joseph J. Collins, National War College; Dr. Nichola E. Sarantakes, Naval War College; Dr. Douglas Hime, Naval War College; Dr. Stephen Burgess, Air War College; Dr. Eric Shibuya, Marine Corps Command and Staff College; Dr. Ryan Wadle, Air Command and Staff College; Dr. Larry D. Miller, U.S. Army War College; Dr. James Kiras, School of Advanced Air and Space Studies; CDR Youssef Aboul-Enein, USN, Eisenhower School; CAPT Bill Marlowe, USN (Ret.), Joint Forces Staff College; COL Dale D. Fair, USA, Joint Forces Staff College; Dr. Jim Chen, Information Resources Management College; Dr. Benjamin (Frank) Cooling, Eisenhower School; Dr. Richard J. Norton, Naval War College; Lt Col Michelle Ewy, Air Command and Staff College; Dr. Mark Clodfelter, National War College; Ms. Joanna E. Seich, NDU Press; Dr. Donna Connolly, Naval War College

Not shown: Dr. William T. Eliason, Editor in Chief, Joint Force Quarterly; Dr. Geoffrey Gresh, College of International Security Affairs; Dr. Antulia (Tony) Echevarria, U.S. Army War College; Dr. Carl Horn, Information Resources Management College; Dr. James Lacey, Marine Corps War College; and Dr. Harold R. Winton, School of Advanced Air and Space Studies. Photo by Katie Lewis, NDU