News | Nov. 4, 2020


By Thomas F. Lynch III Strategic Assessment 2020

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The completion of an edited volume that is composed of original material at this depth and scope is a testament to collaboration by a team of teams. As editor, I wish to thank each of these teams for its hard work and dedication in providing the high-caliber substance and the appealing form of this volume about the new era of Great Power competition.

First, I thank the chapter authors and co-authors. Each contributor added original insights and invaluable content to the book and demonstrated thoughtfulness, patience, and dedication during reciprocal and dynamic rounds of editing and revision. This volume stands as testimony to their subject matter expertise and their hard work.

Second, my colleagues Phillip Saunders and Frank Hoffman had an enormous impact on the quality of this volume beyond their direct contribution to authored and co-authored chapters. Phil and Frank provided timely and high-quality informal assessments of almost all the chapters during the research, writing, and editing processes. Their wide-ranging knowledge and experience with the most vital contemporary geopolitical and global economic factors in emerging Great Power competition and their innate attention to detail and excellent writing skills combined in reviews that enhanced individual chapters and the linkages between and among them. Phil and Frank helped assure that this volume became a whole that is more than the sum of its parts.

Third, two research interns made enormous contributions to the successful completion of this book: Sabrina Volpe and Areesha Irfan. Sabrina expertly enabled this project from its beginning. She provided original research and organization to early framing chapters and was the driving force behind the Great Power Competition Dynamics Matrix appendix (online only) for the volume. Later in the process, Sabrina contributed research and fact-checking along with a steady eye for content review, editing, and proofreading. So, too, with Areesha, who joined the project as the early chapters came onboard. Areesha conducted targeted research, writing, and analysis for updates to several chapters, and especially detailed research for chapter 2 that looked into historical Great Power competition rivalries, country data, and competitive analytics. Undaunted by unwelcomed interruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, Areesha dedicated time and attention from a distance to finalize and refine chapters and to catalog materials found in the front and back matter.

Finally, I thank the interactive teams at NDU Press, the Government Publishing Office (GPO) Creative Services, and the Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review (DOPSR). Each contributed expertise and skill to the completion of this quality volume. William Eliason and Joanna Seich at NDU Press and Cameron Morse at DOPSR found a way around the massive disruption of COVID-19 to assure that all chapters were cleared for publication as quickly as possible. NDU Press Executive Editor Jeffrey Smotherman was the driving force behind the entire production process, from copyediting to layout and design to cover design and much more. John Church at NDU Press and Lisa Yambrick worked diligently as copyeditors. Joanna Seich and John Church helped generate quality artwork. Marco Marchegiani at GPO provided expert guidance for book cover, text layout, and overall design. Finally, thanks to Susan Carroll, who both proofread and indexed the book.

As editor, I extend high praise and sincere thanks to each one on this team of teams.