News | Feb. 4, 2019


By Phillip C. Saunders, Arthur S. Ding, Andrew Scobell, Andrew N.D. Yang, and Joel Wuthnow Chairman Xi Remakes the PLA

Other than the introduction and conclusion, all the chapters in this book were originally presented as part of the PLA conference series co-sponsored by Taiwan’s Council of Advanced Policy Studies (CAPS), National Defense University (NDU), and the RAND Corporation. The editors thank the authors for their patience and hard work in revising and updating their papers for publication.

The editors gratefully acknowledge the presenters, discussants, and participants at the CAPS-RAND-NDU 2016 PLA Conference in Arlington, Virginia, at the RAND Washington Office: Ken Allen, Dennis Blasko, Ed Burke, Arthur Chan, Michael Chase, Richard Chen, Tai Ming Cheung, Roger Cliff, Cortez Cooper, Jeff Engstrom, David Finkelstein, Scott Harold, Tim Heath, Lonnie Henley, Alexander Huang, Jeffrey Lewis, Nan Li, Lin Ying-yu, LeighAnn Luce, Ma Chengkun, Oriana Mastro, Frank Miller, Erin Richter, Mark Stokes, and Dennis Wilder. They also thank Megan Bishop at RAND, Yi-su Yang and Polly Shen from CAPS, and Don Mosser at NDU for logistical and administrative support. MAJ Jason Halub and Patrick Shaw of the Joint Staff played an important role in obtaining permission for NDU to co-sponsor the conference.

The editors gratefully acknowledge the presenters, discussants, and participants at the CAPS-CSS-NDU-RAND 2017 PLA Conference in Taipei, Taiwan, at the Far Eastern Plaza Hotel: Ken Allen, John Chen, Richard Chen, Chia-Shen Chen, Cortez Cooper, Mark Cozad, Arthur Ding, Andrew Erickson, Kim Fassler, Dan Gearin, Scott Harold, Alexander C. Huang, Yen-Chi Hsu, Taeho Kim, Brian Lafferty, Ying-Yu Lin, Wei-The Li, Chengkun Ma, Ian Burns McCaslin, Joel McFadden, Joe McReynolds, Frank Miller, Brendan Mulvaney, Nathan Beauchamp Mustafaga, Weichong Ong, Jagannath Panda, Angela Poh, Phillip Saunders, Andrew Scobell, Ming-Shih Shen, Hsiang-Huang Shu, Michael Swaine, Stanley Weeks, Joel Wuthnow, Shinji Yamaguchi, Andrew N.D. Yang, Meng-Zhang Yang, Stanley Yang, Tiehlin Yen, and Tsung-Chu Yu. They also thank Betsy Kammer and Megan Bishop at RAND, Yi-su Yang and Polly Shen from CAPS, and Catherine Reese and Lucianna Perez-Pikelny at NDU for logistical and administrative support.

In addition to the conference participants, others provided assistance in the preparation of the book manuscript. The editors thank NDU contract researchers Alex Jeffers and Ian Burns McCaslin for their hard work in reformatting chapters, tracking down details of missing notes and ensuring consistent formatting, and helping with the translation of terms to and from Chinese in the text and the notes. MAJ Ryan Neely provided assistance in resolving copyediting queries on several chapters. The editors thank William Eliason and Ms. Joey Seich at NDU Press and Cameron Morse and Daniel Chykirda at the OSD Security Review office for their assistance in clearing the chapters for publication. NDU Press executive editor Jeffrey Smotherman copyedited the book and oversaw the production process.

Phillip C. Saunders and Joel Wuthnow thank Dennis J. Blasko, David M. Finkelstein, Frank G. Hoffman, Frank Miller, Andrew Scobell, and David Stilwell for comments and suggestions on the introduction and conclusion. They also thank Ian Burns McCaslin for translation and research assistance for chapter 9, and Ken Allen for providing several useful sources. John Costello and Joe McReynolds thank Joel Wuthnow, Alex Crowther, and Frank Miller for their peer reviews of chapter 13, and Jim Chen, MAJ Ryan Neely, and Maj. Adam Greer for proofreading the chapter.

Thanks to the following experts for their help in proofreading the final manuscript: Susan Carroll, John Chen, Adam Greer, Nicolas Gruenwald, MAJ Jason Halub, Corey Howell, Rob Miltersen, Paul Nantulya, MAJ Ryan Neeley, Lt. Col. Martin C. Poon, Edward Haofeng Tang, Jennifer Thurman, Lt. Col. Terry Vance, and Emily Walz.

And final thanks to Susan Carroll, who indexed the book.