News | Jan. 1, 2008

From Reform to Reduction: Reports on the Management of Navy and Department of Defense Laboratories in the Post-Cold War Era

By Eric Hazell


This book reviews approximately 65 of the significant reports issued on Department of Defense (DOD) and Department of the Navy (DON) management of research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) from the end of the Cold War through the late 1990s. It is designed for two primary audiences: (1) DOD, congressional, and other government staff who need an accessible overview and quick reference and bibliographic guide to issues during that period; and (2) researchers and historians, especially those interested in available sources. The book is organized both chronologically and thematically, and engages some of the principal arguments, regarding management of defense research and development (R&D) in the 1990s. Dr. Hazell’s work is a clear, concise, and especially well-written history of the impact of the post-Cold War downturn in DOD’s support of the Navy’s in-house laboratories. The book presents vital information on some five dozen key reports issued during this period and includes descriptions of unique source material.